Why You Should Be Warming Up

Whether you're a seasoned athlete or brand new to fitness and sport, it seems likely that you’ve been told you need to warm up before training.  We are all busy, however, and therefore the temptation to dive headfirst into a workout is understandable. Today’s blog post is to encourage you not to talk yourself out of a quality warm up, even when you’re tight on time. Warming up is the prelude to a successful training session, and it sets the stage for optimal performance and reducing the risk of injury. Let’s go ahead and delve into a little bit more detail on why warming up should be an indispensable part of every fitness regimen.

  1.  Warming up will prime your body. Try to think of your body as a complex machine, intricate in its design and function (yes, that old cliche). Just as a machine performs better when properly primed and lubricated, so too does your body. A quality warm-up session gradually increases your heart rate, boosts circulation, and raises your body temperature, effectively priming your muscles, joints, and cardiovascular system for the upcoming tasks. This preparation enhances muscle elasticity and joint mobility, allowing for smoother, more fluid movements during exercise.

  2. Warming up is a huge part of injury prevention.  One of the most compelling reasons to incorporate a warm-up into your workout routine is injury prevention. Engaging in physical activity with cold, stiff muscles significantly increases the risk of strains, sprains, and other maladies. By gradually increasing blood flow to the muscles and methodically increasing flexibility, a proper warm-up reduces the likelihood of muscle tears and joint injuries. Additionally, warming up prepares the nervous system, enhancing neuromuscular coordination and proprioception, which are essential for balance and stability during exercise.

  3. Warming up is key for performance enhancement.  Beyond injury prevention, a well-executed warm-up will also enhance your overall performance. By gradually elevating your heart rate and activating key muscle groups, you optimize your body's readiness to meet the demands of your training session. This increased readiness translates to improved strength, power, and endurance during exercise. Furthermore, a warm-up session can mentally prepare you for the task ahead, sharpening focus and concentration while reducing feelings of fatigue and discomfort.

Now, as you may have guessed, not all warming up is created equal.  Yes, is it likely that doing something is going to be better than doing nothing, even if it’s not a particularly well thought out plan.  That being said, it will be more beneficial if one has a tailored approach to his or her warm up.  It's essential to recognize that not all warm-ups are going to be appropriate for every situation. The ideal warm-up should be executed with the specific demands of your training in mind, as well as your individual fitness level. Your choices of dynamic stretches, muscle activation exercises, mobility drills, and aerobic activity can and should vary depending on who you are and what you are preparing to do.

So, what’s the takeaway here, team?  Well, I hope I’ve made a strong case for a solid warm up, regardless of what physical passion you are pursuing.  By priming your body you are more likely to prevent injuries, enhance performance, and set the stage for success with every training session. I hope that the next time you're tempted to skip the warm-up, you will remember its importance in laying the groundwork for a safe, effective, and rewarding workout.

You can, And Should, Do Hard Things

In a world where comfort, convenience, and efficiency seem to be prioritized above all else, the notion of deliberately seeking out challenges and embracing difficulty might seem counterintuitive. However, I firmly believe that it is precisely in the face of adversity and hardship that we often find the greatest opportunities for growth, learning, and personal development. Whether it's tackling a daunting project, pushing physical limits, or confronting emotional obstacles, the act of doing hard things is essential for both individual advancement and collective progress.

Embracing Growth

At the heart of the matter lies the concept of growth. Just as muscles need resistance to become stronger, individuals need challenges to develop their skills, resilience, and character. By willingly engaging with difficult tasks or situations, we invite opportunities to stretch our abilities, expand our comfort zones, and discover untapped potential.

Consider the athlete who pushes through grueling training sessions to achieve peak performance, or the student who perseveres through academic challenges to master a complex subject. In both cases, the journey is marked by struggle, setbacks, and moments of doubt. Yet, it is precisely through these hardships that true growth occurs. Each obstacle overcome builds confidence, determination, and a sense of accomplishment that transcends the immediate challenge.

Cultivating Resilience

Life is inherently unpredictable, and a reality of the human experience is facing heartbreak and suffering to various degrees. In these times of adversity, the ability to navigate one's circumstances with resilience becomes invaluable. By willingly confronting and overcoming difficult situations, individuals actually develop the resilience needed to weather life's storms in other areas as well.

Think of the entrepreneur who faces repeated failures before achieving success, or the artist who endures rejection after rejection before finally gaining recognition. In each case, resilience is not only a key factor in overcoming obstacles but also in maintaining the motivation and perseverance necessary to pursue one's goals in the face of adversity.

Fostering Adaptability

In a rapidly changing world, the ability to adapt to new circumstances and challenges is more important than ever. By actively seeking out hard things, individuals cultivate adaptability—the capacity to respond effectively to changing situations, learn from experience, and innovate in the face of uncertainty.

Consider the professional who embraces new technologies and methodologies to stay ahead in their field, or the adventurer who navigates unfamiliar terrain with confidence and curiosity. In both cases, the willingness to confront difficulty head-on fosters a mindset of adaptability, enabling individuals to thrive in dynamic and unpredictable environments.

Inspiring Innovation

Some of the greatest achievements in human history have been born out of the pursuit of overcoming seemingly insurmountable challenges. From space exploration to medical breakthroughs to world record athletic feats, the pursuit of hard things has driven innovation and progress across every domain of human endeavor.

When individuals dare to dream big and take on audacious goals, they inspire others to do the same. Visionary leaders, creators, and athletes who dare to tackle the world's most pressing problems inspire others to join them in the pursuit of a better future.


The true essence of personal and collective growth lies in the willingness to embrace difficulty, confront adversity, and do hard things.  By willingly engaging with challenges, whether that be starting a workout program or pursuing one’s PhD, individuals cultivate resilience, adaptability, and innovation.

So, the next time you find yourself faced with a daunting task or obstacle, remember that it is precisely in the act of doing hard things that you unleash your fullest potential and inspire others to do the same.

Excess Iron and Hemochromatosis

While this isn’t always the case, over the past couple of years I have found that the majority of my competitive athletes are males.  While I work, and have worked, with some incredible female athletes, this is just how things have shaken out in recent years.  Due to this configuration, I have found that I frequently feel the need to speak to my athletes about excess iron, as well as hemochromatosis.  If you don’t know what these things are or why you should be aware of them - especially if you are a male athlete - then you’ve come to the right place!  Here’s what you might want to know:

Hemochromatosis is a genetic disorder that causes the body to absorb and accumulate too much iron from the food we eat. Over time, this excess iron can build up in vital organs such as the liver, heart, and pancreas, leading to serious health complications, including organ damage and failure.  Furthermore, even if an athlete doesn’t develop hemochromatosis, run-of-the-mill iron overload is an issue as well. While both men and women can develop hemochromatosis and iron overload, it is more commonly diagnosed in men.  While there are other factors involved, a large part of why we see this more in men is because women lose iron through menstruation and pregnancy, and they tend to naturally store less iron than men do. It should be noted, however, that after menopause or a hysterectomy, the risk increases for women.

Before we go on, let’s talk a little more about Iron.  Iron is an essential mineral for the body, playing a crucial role in oxygen transport and muscle function. Male athletes, especially those involved in intense training regimens, may experience a temporary increase in iron levels due to factors like increased red blood cell turnover and dietary intake.  The dietary intake part is particularly important to note, as most athletes (especially those who work with Lean Mean Green Health) are eating large amounts of iron-rich animal protein.  While the body has mechanisms to regulate iron levels, excessive accumulation can overwhelm these mechanisms, leading to the development of excess iron levels or hemochromatosis.

Ok.  So.  If you’re a male athlete, do you have to reduce your protein intake?  Should you stop competing?  Luckily, the answer to both of these questions is almost always no.  There is a solution with many additional advantages:  Blood donation.

Regular blood donation is a simple and effective way for male athletes to manage their iron levels and reduce the risk of hemochromatosis. Here are some key benefits:

  1. Iron Reduction: Blood donation removes a certain volume of blood, including red blood cells containing iron. This helps to reduce the overall iron load in the body, preventing excessive accumulation.

  2. Cardiovascular Health: High iron levels have been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. By donating blood regularly, male athletes can support their cardiovascular health and reduce the strain on the heart.

  3. Improved Athletic Performance: Maintaining optimal iron levels is crucial for athletic performance. Iron is necessary for oxygen transport to muscles, and a balanced iron status can enhance endurance and overall physical performance.

  4. Community Impact: Blood donation is a selfless act that contributes to the well-being of the community. Male athletes can make a positive impact by donating blood regularly, helping those in need while also safeguarding their own health.

Ok team, I think we’re there.  While there is always more to say on a subject, this is enough to give you the broad-brushstrokes information on iron overload, hemochromatosis, and the uses of regular blood donation. By managing iron levels through blood donation, athletes not only protect their health, but also contribute to the greater good of their communities. Embracing this practice aligns with the athlete's commitment to peak physical performance and overall well-being, ensuring they can continue to pursue their passion for sports with a strong and healthy body.

Top 10 Nutrition Dos and Don’ts

Check out a few Dos and Don’ts when it comes to nutrition!

1- Do - Eat lots of protein!

  • Protein is the most sating of the macronutrients, which means it will leave you feeling more full for longer. In addition, protein is great for controlling blood sugar, which will help keep cravings at bay. Finally, protein builds muscle and muscle burns more energy than fat, so the more muscle you have the more calories you will burn!

2 - Don’t - Let yourself get too hungry!

  • People tend to overeat when they are hungry, and are more likely to make bad food choices in these situations. Don’t let yourself get so hungry that you lose control of your choices!

3 - Do - Eat at least one serving of plants (fruits and/or vegetables) at every meal!

  • We all know fruits and vegetables are packed with nutrients, but very few of us eat enough of them. If you commit to eating at least one serving of plants at every meal, you are much more likely to hit your goals!

4 - Don’t - Eat your fruits and vegetables with lots of accessory fats!

  • Bananas and apples are great snack foods, but be careful not to overload them with calorie-packed nut butters like peanut butter and almond butter. Similarly, things like carrots and broccoli can start to work against your goals if they are soaked in fats and cooking oils. A little is fine, but try not to go overboard!

5 - Do - Get your family on board!

  • If you don’t live alone, it will be helpful to get your family on board. Even if they don’t want to follow the same nutrition protocols as you do, try to get them to support you with your choices and goals!

6 - Don’t - Be afraid to be particular!

  • It can be easy to feel guilty about being particular about your food, especially at restaurants and other people’s houses. Don’t let this happen! It is ok to have your own goals, and there should be no guilt associated with trying to stay on track!

7 - Do - Make sure you are hydrating properly with water and electrolytes!

  • Adequate water and electrolytes are crucial for looking, feeling, and performing our best. Don’t neglect this part of your nutrition!

8 - Don’t - Be afraid of animal protein!

  • Animal protein is the most bioavailable form of protein. In addition, animal proteins are complete proteins, which means they have all of the amino acids your body needs to function properly and be strong and healthy. Be sure you are getting in your quality animal proteins!

9 - Do - Eat real, whole, foods as often as possible!

  • Real foods are foods you can picture in their natural state - strawberries, spinach, salmon, etc. Try to eat these foods as often as you can!

10 - Don’t - Eat processed foods when you can help it!

  • Processed foods are often full of additives and preservatives, and are designed to make you want to overeat on them. Avoid them as often as you can!

Sun Exposure

The sun has been revered by cultures throughout history, and since the beginning of human civilization as we know it.  Throughout time it has been a symbol of life, vitality, hope, and good.  In recent years, however, concerns about the potential risks of UV exposure have led many people to avoid natural sunlight altogether. Furthermore, it is common practice for people to cover themselves in toxic sunscreens when they do choose to venture out into the sun, blocking many of the potential benefits and creating new potential harms.

While it is important to protect your skin from overexposure to the sun - overexposure meaning getting sunburned - by wearing protective clothing and limiting exposure when necessary, it's also crucial to recognize that sunlight offers numerous benefits for both your skin and your overall health. In this blog post, I will lay out just a few of the reasons why sun exposure is good for your body and your mind.

1 - Vitamin D Production

I’ve covered this benefit in a previous blog post - “Vitamin D and Supplementation” - but it’s worth a quick review.  One of the most well-known benefits of sun exposure is its role in the production of vitamin D. When your skin is exposed to sunlight, it synthesizes vitamin D, which is a hormone that is essential for various bodily functions. Vitamin D helps regulate calcium levels in the body, boosts the immune system, supports bone health, and has been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases, including certain autoimmune disorders and cancers.

2 - Skin Health

Contrary to the mainstream belief that sun exposure is detrimental to your skin, moderate sun exposure can benefit your skin health in several ways, such as:

  • Psoriasis and Eczema Relief - Sun exposure can alleviate symptoms of psoriasis and eczema, two common and potentially painful skin conditions. The UVB rays in sunlight slow down the rapid growth of skin cells and reduce inflammation.

  • Acne Improvement - Sun exposure can help reduce acne by drying out excess oil and decreasing inflammation.

  • Improved Skin Tone - Sun exposure can lead to a healthy glow and improved skin tone by stimulating melanin production. This melanin will also provide some protection against UV rays, which helps prevent burning.

3 - Cardiovascular Health

Exposure to sunlight has also been associated with improved cardiovascular health. There are studies suggesting that the production of nitric oxide in the skin, which is stimulated by UV rays, can help lower blood pressure. Additionally, the positive effects on mood and reduced stress can contribute to a healthier heart.

4 - Mood Enhancement

As briefly mentioned above, spending time in the sun has a positive impact on mood and mental well-being. This is because, among other things, sunlight stimulates the production of serotonin, the "feel-good hormone." This increase in serotonin levels can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, improve overall mood, and enhance one’s quality of life. Sun exposure can also help regulate your circadian rhythm, promoting better sleep and a more consistent sleep-wake cycle.

So let’s go ahead and sum this all up:  Sun exposure can offer numerous benefits for both your skin and your overall health.  While getting sunburned can indeed cause damage to the skin and body (and should be avoided by using shade, protective clothing, and limiting time in the sun when in danger of overexposure), smart sun exposure has many long-term and short-term health benefits worth pursuing.

Case Study: Logan's Journey

Case Study: Logan's Journey

I first met Logan when he walked into my office in February of 2022.  He was coming in for a job interview at the gym where I am the manager and head coach.  In this interview, I learned that Logan started CrossFit early in life, much earlier than most, and would go to the gym with his dad when he was in middle school.  He officially joined an affiliate when he was in high school, and would go whenever he was between school sports.  Logan loved the sport of fitness so much that he got his L1 coaching certification for his 17th birthday (Side note - what other kid asks for continuing education for his 17th birthday?), and decided to pursue a degree in kinesiology at Purdue University.  It was his college graduation that brought him into my office, looking for a new gym and a new job.

Why Dairy Free?

Why Dairy Free?

I talk to almost all of my athletes about dairy. Some I ask to remove dairy completely, at least for a period of 30 days or longer. Others I encourage to simply reduce dairy to the best of their abilities. There are a few exceptions of course, as none of my protocols are one-size-fits-all. But why do I do this? Why remove dairy, or reduce it, in the first place?

How to Read Nutrition Labels

How to Read Nutrition Labels

No matter which of my programs you choose to do, or what your goals are, or what your “deal-breakers” are, I encourage every single one of my athletes to eat as much real, whole, unprocessed foods as possible.  While we always go into more detail and different nuances of this request on a case-by-case basis, it’s fair to say it’s my baseline.  Eat real, whole foods as often as possible, limit or eliminate processed foods to the degree that you are willing and able.