You can, And Should, Do Hard Things

In a world where comfort, convenience, and efficiency seem to be prioritized above all else, the notion of deliberately seeking out challenges and embracing difficulty might seem counterintuitive. However, I firmly believe that it is precisely in the face of adversity and hardship that we often find the greatest opportunities for growth, learning, and personal development. Whether it's tackling a daunting project, pushing physical limits, or confronting emotional obstacles, the act of doing hard things is essential for both individual advancement and collective progress.

Embracing Growth

At the heart of the matter lies the concept of growth. Just as muscles need resistance to become stronger, individuals need challenges to develop their skills, resilience, and character. By willingly engaging with difficult tasks or situations, we invite opportunities to stretch our abilities, expand our comfort zones, and discover untapped potential.

Consider the athlete who pushes through grueling training sessions to achieve peak performance, or the student who perseveres through academic challenges to master a complex subject. In both cases, the journey is marked by struggle, setbacks, and moments of doubt. Yet, it is precisely through these hardships that true growth occurs. Each obstacle overcome builds confidence, determination, and a sense of accomplishment that transcends the immediate challenge.

Cultivating Resilience

Life is inherently unpredictable, and a reality of the human experience is facing heartbreak and suffering to various degrees. In these times of adversity, the ability to navigate one's circumstances with resilience becomes invaluable. By willingly confronting and overcoming difficult situations, individuals actually develop the resilience needed to weather life's storms in other areas as well.

Think of the entrepreneur who faces repeated failures before achieving success, or the artist who endures rejection after rejection before finally gaining recognition. In each case, resilience is not only a key factor in overcoming obstacles but also in maintaining the motivation and perseverance necessary to pursue one's goals in the face of adversity.

Fostering Adaptability

In a rapidly changing world, the ability to adapt to new circumstances and challenges is more important than ever. By actively seeking out hard things, individuals cultivate adaptability—the capacity to respond effectively to changing situations, learn from experience, and innovate in the face of uncertainty.

Consider the professional who embraces new technologies and methodologies to stay ahead in their field, or the adventurer who navigates unfamiliar terrain with confidence and curiosity. In both cases, the willingness to confront difficulty head-on fosters a mindset of adaptability, enabling individuals to thrive in dynamic and unpredictable environments.

Inspiring Innovation

Some of the greatest achievements in human history have been born out of the pursuit of overcoming seemingly insurmountable challenges. From space exploration to medical breakthroughs to world record athletic feats, the pursuit of hard things has driven innovation and progress across every domain of human endeavor.

When individuals dare to dream big and take on audacious goals, they inspire others to do the same. Visionary leaders, creators, and athletes who dare to tackle the world's most pressing problems inspire others to join them in the pursuit of a better future.


The true essence of personal and collective growth lies in the willingness to embrace difficulty, confront adversity, and do hard things.  By willingly engaging with challenges, whether that be starting a workout program or pursuing one’s PhD, individuals cultivate resilience, adaptability, and innovation.

So, the next time you find yourself faced with a daunting task or obstacle, remember that it is precisely in the act of doing hard things that you unleash your fullest potential and inspire others to do the same.